Welcome | Pt.II

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris
For some time now, I’ve been searching - high and low, locally, nationally and internationally, online and on foot - for hidden treasures and their makers.
I've met artists, designers, collaborators, writers, friends of friends of friends; found talent in wood, paint, clay, marble, metal, glass, linen, wax. I've sought out artisans based on their story, philosophy and product. And some of them have even found me. We meet. We learn each others' purpose. They care where their work ends up and whose name is representing them. Our goal is to translate that to you; for you, as the viewer of their work, to get a feel for what went into its making, and to appreciate it that much more.
Where does my inspiration come from? My childhood rooted in family values and homemade feasts, my sweet Italian hubby. My hometown in suburban New York and the love spell New York City cast on me long ago. My work-play in Italy, my travels through Europe, my life in California. My green Ithaca years and French Culinary education. My family, my friends. Culture. The senses. The seasons.
This shop's always been on my mind, but always a for-later dream. An I'm-going-to-have-a-real-job-in-the-meantime-to-prove-that-I'm-a-responsible-adult-and-then-maybe-when-I'm-55-I'll-actually-do-it dream. Turns out I couldn't wait that long. (Also turns out I'm going to be a child forever.)
So that dream is coming to life... now. The treasure hunting, the discovering. The art, the stories, the photos. The sharing, the appreciation. The smiles. I'm rounding up my crispest discoveries into what I hope you, my lovely friends and visitors, find to be a most charming one-stop retail shop - a food-lover's, homemaker's, gift-giver's haven.
Find what YOU know to be useful, and believe to be beautiful. We're here to help you surround yourself with it.