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Tasting notes: graham cracker, citrus zest, dark chocolate, almond.
This is always the newest + freshest edition of Landspeed. Throughout the year, Middle State continually changes which coffees go into making up this blend due to seasonality of the fruit itself. This always allows for some fun + interesting, yet consistent flavor profiling of the blend. This time around, with no surprise, we have a delicious washed Ethiopian, + a much needed surprise of a pulped natural Ethiopian. The Washed Ethiopian brings those nice floral, fruity, + subtle acidity notes that play + compliment its other half. The Konga is the Natural component this time around + it brings nice deep funky fruits, chocolates + some deep honey undertones, toffees, chocolates + magic acidity, while still carrying in lots of cherry fruit flavors. Both coffees are a party in themselves, but together, they manage to create those early 90’s rave parties that only the cool kids knew about. Except in this case, everyone is the cool kid + you all are invited to this party.
Both coffees in the blend are pretty special in the sense that Middle State would have bought each one as Single Origin offerings due to the fact that they are both just so good. They don’t short change the blend with more moderately priced coffees in order to make up for something that each coffee lacks, or because they are going to be a blend. Rather, they choose to spend top dollar on coffees that stand out on their own, as they would for a Single Origin offering, + that are ethically grown + produced without any sacrifice in humane practices as well. This allows the blend to be that much better than it would be with cheaper coffees. They then roast each coffee individually with matching solubilities so when they are joined in the chaos that is a portafilter, they know that they are going to play well with one another.
**Packaging may differ slightly from photo.
12 oz bag
50% Ethiopia Gerbicho Washed
50% Ethiopia Gedeb Natural
Elevation: 2000-2200 masl
Process: Washed/Natural
Varietal: Heirloom, Kurume
Middle State Coffee
Roasted in small batches; Denver, CO
Sharing great coffee is our favorite thing to do, + we’ve gotten pretty good at finding great coffee.
Our method is simple: Taste a ton of coffee. Pick our favorite ones. High five the growers + producers because their efforts are shining through every cup, + their hard work is incredible. Do our best to preserve the taste (+ the feeling) that we got from that first taste + share it with you. Oh + then high five you because you’re awesome for trusting us to bring it to you with all of the flavor, integrity + the intent that it began with.
We like coffee. We especially like interesting coffee. We like complexity, cleanliness, acidity + the kind of sweetness that leaves you in the candy aisle trying to nail tasting notes. We like small lots from small farms. We like coffees that are an expression of where they came from + an expression of their grower’s hard work.
We value people. We believe that all humans + their awesome eccentricities are the reason things like specialty coffee exist in the first place. Without any of the awesome people in this crazy world of coffee, it just simply would not be as fun + as exciting as it is. So we applaud all of you for being who you are + doing what you do.
This is our method. Have fun, brew coffee.
-Middle State Crew